I peeked out of the window. The sky was dark, and it was raining heavily. My surroundings were simple. A few tables and chairs, piles of headsets lying around, fans at every corner. Along with me, were a few other YJ students; Yew Mun, Rauzan, another named Anthony-something... Well, we were not alone anyway. Stares directed at us were not few. A few struggled to communicate with us. The rest were busy sorting out those large piles of headsets. One of them waved at me, proudly showing off his name tag. Not knowing what to do, I smiled weakly, waving back. He went on his work. I looked out again. Still raining heavily. Laughter was common in the room. Communicating with one another was mainly simple and with common sense. At one corner, I saw an attention seeker, doing silly things just to get the volunteers' attention. He was 52 years old. Another was talking intelligibly to himself. Hell, he was 27. If you still don't know where we were, let me tell you. We were at the MINDS home, a home where mentally disabled people stay and mix around with another of their own kind. It is kind of a sick reality, really. These people don't live normally. They require the assistance even for the most basic actions. In the whole world, these people probably make up a small percentage. However, to see a lot concentrated in one area, it is kind of...unsettling? I was not courageous enough to try interracting with them. Basically, I don't know how to. It isn't like a conversation between normal people, in which the way we speak are backed by logic. In here, it is like talking to 3 year old children who can't even recite alphabets from A to Z. From what I see, they rely more on instinct, instead of logic. I was just glad that we were only there at the MINDS home to tidy up the place. From 9.30am all the way to 12.30 pm, we cleaned the windows, tables and chairs. Throughout the 3 hours there, I can't help but imagine why are they like that. We are humans. They are humans. We have feelings. They have feelings. What make them so different from us? Is it because they have the mental capability of a 3 year old? Why can we live normally, and why can't them? Life is indeed unfair. In this world, the strongest survive. The weakest are eliminated. That is nature and we have to accept it. Likewise, those unlucky ones have to accept who they are. But, that doesn't mean that the world cannot help them, right? True, the world may be unfair, and every individual works ultimately to achieve their own personal goals. However, there are some who care. There are bound to be people who care for them. That is why homes such as the MINDS home are built. Ultimately, it is a person's own decision whether he wishes to help or not. I am just glad there are. Today's CIP has taught me a few lessons. Life is an unreality, until you observe it, and hear it yourself

felt a little blue at 6:20 AM,


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Don't feel blue... I am sorry if you're sad... that's so sad... *patpat*
Name: Melvin
DOB: 11/06/1987
School: YJC
Location: Singapore
Address: Wouldn't you like to know! Stalker!


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