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What does it mean to live as a human. What does it mean to live as a Human? Lately I have been asking myself that question. Its not about spending your days, doing what you have to do, to survive. Nor is it about slogging your days ahead, hoping to be successful one day. And, its also not about spending days trying to be a good person, hoping to recieve good karma for that. In fact, life as a human, is everything. We live in worries. We live in fear, we live in happiness, drown ourselves in sorrow, celebrate our victories with friends and loved ones. When push comes to shove, we are capable of banding together to face the threat. Life as a human being, embraces everything. Life as a human, is also nothing. Life comes and goes. Every one of us is just one insignificant, dispensable living thing. When we die, some other human replaces us. When we die, not very human being on this planet is gonna weep for us anyway. Well, heck. Its about how you want to view life as I suppose. And I suppose, each and every one of us on this planet, have unique ways on dealing with life. On how we live each and every day. Some of us like to procrastinate. Always sit on ideas. Never getting off our asses til its too late to do anything. Some of us are spontaneous people. We do things on the impulse. And heck, some actions are gonna lead us to a whole lot of trouble, but who cares. And some of us, are meticulous planners. We plan and plan and plan, always tweaking our plans, everything is about going according to plans, and what the hell, why do we always plan for the long term, and not short term? And some of us, are momentum followers. We observe the flow of things, and always follow the ideas and cultures that are currently fashionable. In short, we are nomads. Mentally of course. Well, physically too, if you want. Whatever makes you happy. In fact, there are so many ways that we can hold ourselves by, that it is impossible to list them all here. If I did, I probably would not be able to complete this post anyway. But this is a fact. Different people have very different ways of doing things. No two humans are the same, and no two actions are exactly the same. Even if both of them are just opening the same can of coke. And that is how, I suppose, we should live as a human being. There's no point trying to copy a role model. And seriously, there's no point trying to copy whatever gadgets, or whatever apparels a celebrity is wearing anyway. Coz that's not you. Your friends are going to notice that change straight away. And they may or may not like it. And then you may or may not become the new celebrity. For all the wrong reasons. Have you ever seen a situation where a celebrity paste on a doraemon tattoo on his body, and everybody is freaking out coz they thought that was cool, and when someone else did the same thing, he gets the opposite? See, the thing is, no matter how much you try to copy a "role model", you can never feel right, because you are trying to live the way your role model view his or her life as. He might feel that life is a place full of opportunities, but you may feel that life is unfair, for example. And because all his actions are going to based on his take on life, you will never feel at ease because you are gonna disagree, mentally, with almost everything he does. Heck, even a twin brother might feel that his brother is an asshole. Well, unless he himself is an asshole. So what does it mean to live as a human? This question, I suspect, would also be unique to everyone. In fact, I even think that we will never have a definite answer for ourselves, because people change. People change over time. And our ideas will also change along our lives. Only thing is that this change is gradual. I suppose, it would be something like philsophy. Not everybody would understand what the hell is the writer talking about, except the writer himself. And then a few years later he would write another article, and same thing, everyone except himself would not understand the gibberish. Only this time, the writer might not even understand why the hell he wrote the previous article at all. Well, of course, the idea might be simple. Just be yourself. But I suppose, in reality, its gonna suck bad just trying to do just that. First of, we will have to contend with laws. Then there are the invisible cultural laws. The kind whereby you can't see it, but you get to enjoy the consequences of breaking said laws. Then there are also family laws. The kind where you get to see it, you get to feel it, and you hate to follow it. Because they will record the laws on cd and play it to you everyday. So, ah well, there goes our freedom of expression. But well, as human beings, we have an ability to get around by loopholes. So there. I always liked this quote. "Where is the freedom when you are doing what you feel is right? Nobody chooses the wrong. It is the uncertainty that sets you free." It doesn't mean that you have to break laws. It merely means that sometimes, right and wrong are subjective. No 2 persons will agree on the same definition. And there are times whereby you have to act on what YOU feel is right to yourself. Because if we wrestle with every question that society throws at us, nobody is gonna do anything. And there's also nothing to fear, because in the end, you are just acting on your behalf. You true self. And that's the power of a human being. We are able to make independent decisions in times where we really need it. Decisions based on self-knowledge, backed by our own beliefs, our own uncertainties. Well, anyone who had actually bothered to read this to the end, or was even foolish to read it to begin with, I applaud you. Because you read through everything even though you didnt understand what am I talking about. I also pity you, because there are no defintite answers to this question anyway. But let me just rattle your brain abit more, by leabing you with a quote: "When you start to become who you really are, you realise that there's nothing to fear. You don't have to know what you are. All you have to do, is choose, and act." And don't bother wrestling with question whether or not your choices are wrong or right. Because time doesn't flow backwards. Good day. felt a little blue at 3:32 AM, 0 comments ![]() What does it mean to live as a human.
What does it mean to live as a Human? Lately I have been asking myself that question. Its not about spending your days, doing what you have to do, to survive. Nor is it about slogging your days ahead, hoping to be successful one day. And, its also not about spending days trying to be a good person, hoping to recieve good karma for that. In fact, life as a human, is everything. We live in worries. We live in fear, we live in happiness, drown ourselves in sorrow, celebrate our victories with friends and loved ones. When push comes to shove, we are capable of banding together to face the threat. Life as a human being, embraces everything. Life as a human, is also nothing. Life comes and goes. Every one of us is just one insignificant, dispensable living thing. When we die, some other human replaces us. When we die, not very human being on this planet is gonna weep for us anyway. Well, heck. Its about how you want to view life as I suppose. And I suppose, each and every one of us on this planet, have unique ways on dealing with life. On how we live each and every day. Some of us like to procrastinate. Always sit on ideas. Never getting off our asses til its too late to do anything. Some of us are spontaneous people. We do things on the impulse. And heck, some actions are gonna lead us to a whole lot of trouble, but who cares. And some of us, are meticulous planners. We plan and plan and plan, always tweaking our plans, everything is about going according to plans, and what the hell, why do we always plan for the long term, and not short term? And some of us, are momentum followers. We observe the flow of things, and always follow the ideas and cultures that are currently fashionable. In short, we are nomads. Mentally of course. Well, physically too, if you want. Whatever makes you happy. In fact, there are so many ways that we can hold ourselves by, that it is impossible to list them all here. If I did, I probably would not be able to complete this post anyway. But this is a fact. Different people have very different ways of doing things. No two humans are the same, and no two actions are exactly the same. Even if both of them are just opening the same can of coke. And that is how, I suppose, we should live as a human being. There's no point trying to copy a role model. And seriously, there's no point trying to copy whatever gadgets, or whatever apparels a celebrity is wearing anyway. Coz that's not you. Your friends are going to notice that change straight away. And they may or may not like it. And then you may or may not become the new celebrity. For all the wrong reasons. Have you ever seen a situation where a celebrity paste on a doraemon tattoo on his body, and everybody is freaking out coz they thought that was cool, and when someone else did the same thing, he gets the opposite? See, the thing is, no matter how much you try to copy a "role model", you can never feel right, because you are trying to live the way your role model view his or her life as. He might feel that life is a place full of opportunities, but you may feel that life is unfair, for example. And because all his actions are going to based on his take on life, you will never feel at ease because you are gonna disagree, mentally, with almost everything he does. Heck, even a twin brother might feel that his brother is an asshole. Well, unless he himself is an asshole. So what does it mean to live as a human? This question, I suspect, would also be unique to everyone. In fact, I even think that we will never have a definite answer for ourselves, because people change. People change over time. And our ideas will also change along our lives. Only thing is that this change is gradual. I suppose, it would be something like philsophy. Not everybody would understand what the hell is the writer talking about, except the writer himself. And then a few years later he would write another article, and same thing, everyone except himself would not understand the gibberish. Only this time, the writer might not even understand why the hell he wrote the previous article at all. Well, of course, the idea might be simple. Just be yourself. But I suppose, in reality, its gonna suck bad just trying to do just that. First of, we will have to contend with laws. Then there are the invisible cultural laws. The kind whereby you can't see it, but you get to enjoy the consequences of breaking said laws. Then there are also family laws. The kind where you get to see it, you get to feel it, and you hate to follow it. Because they will record the laws on cd and play it to you everyday. So, ah well, there goes our freedom of expression. But well, as human beings, we have an ability to get around by loopholes. So there. I always liked this quote. "Where is the freedom when you are doing what you feel is right? Nobody chooses the wrong. It is the uncertainty that sets you free." It doesn't mean that you have to break laws. It merely means that sometimes, right and wrong are subjective. No 2 persons will agree on the same definition. And there are times whereby you have to act on what YOU feel is right to yourself. Because if we wrestle with every question that society throws at us, nobody is gonna do anything. And there's also nothing to fear, because in the end, you are just acting on your behalf. You true self. And that's the power of a human being. We are able to make independent decisions in times where we really need it. Decisions based on self-knowledge, backed by our own beliefs, our own uncertainties. Well, anyone who had actually bothered to read this to the end, or was even foolish to read it to begin with, I applaud you. Because you read through everything even though you didnt understand what am I talking about. I also pity you, because there are no defintite answers to this question anyway. But let me just rattle your brain abit more, by leabing you with a quote: "When you start to become who you really are, you realise that there's nothing to fear. You don't have to know what you are. All you have to do, is choose, and act." And don't bother wrestling with question whether or not your choices are wrong or right. Because time doesn't flow backwards. Good day. felt a little blue at 10:40 PM, 0 comments ![]() The Question of 'Why'.
I recently decided to rethink on my thoughts about the question 'Why'. Here's the new concept(ok, not really new). The question of 'Why' is always purer than its answers. Our answers will never be close to the truth, for several reasons. First: Its always in first person perspective. Our own answers are always full of ego; They will always reflect on our own personal beliefs. In a sense, our answers are merely what we think the truth is. Second: Our answers will never be totally true, because we are educated by society. How we think is influenced by daily experiences we accumulated from society. And the truth isn't a product of Society. Third: We will never truly appreciate other people's views. Things that we never experienced first hand, how could we say that understand it perfectly? Same thing goes to people's views. We will never truly appreciate the value of their views, till we experienced it ourselves. And if that's the case, our answers will never be totally true, because we are merely just copying the ideas of others without really understanding the meaning. Finally: The truth simply is. The truth is simple.We humans just have the knack of making the truth so complicated, by bending so much of it just so that it fits in with our so-called 'theories'. Isn't it ironic, that Quantum Physics is said to be a very precise form of predicting nature, when so much of it involves probabilities? And why is it that our questions will always be purer than our answers? Just because it is innocent. In a sense, the questions we asked are purely out of our own curiousity, its directly from our hearts, thus it's not 'processed' and not altered towards our own views. So next time, try to answer all our damn exam questions with questions. That should give us all full marks. felt a little blue at 9:22 PM, 0 comments ![]() Medicine-Business or Profession? The study of medicine have spanned thousands of years, since the first signs of civilization. In the past, life was harsh. Poverty was rampant everywhere. Famine, drought and diseases thrived among the first civilizations. Thus, people have started studying medicine, for leisure, interest and ultimately, an aim to save human lives, driven by compassion, commitment and responsibility. Thousands of years have past since then, into the modern world which we live in now. Over these years, civilizations have evolved much, with greater standards of living. Diseases, famine, drought are no longer of any threat to mankind in most countries, as they are greatly reduced and controlled. Thus, medicine is no longer as high in demand as before. Though it is still a profession, it is slowly becoming a business. What are the reasons that motivate people to study medicine? Most would say it is compassion. True, the main aim of studying medicine, after all, is to save lives. People must have compassion for others less fortunate than themselves. It is a commitment to others that makes studying medicine a prestigious matter. Would that be compassion, or merely a way to gain fame through having a prestigious job? Doctors are paid high salaries, because of the risks and responsibilities involved in their job. In today’s society, a high salary versus a low salary job: which would you choose? As such, while compassion and commitment are the main driving force which motivates people to study medicine, it is gradually being masked by the other enticing aspects of it. People are no longer that committed and compassionate in saving lives, and are more interested in promoting and securing a bright future for themselves instead. In recent news, a Singaporean doctor had been accused of testing a new product on different human subjects without seriously considering the consequences it might have on them. He had only give them a vague idea of the whole experiment that he was going to perform on them, and had never really gotten any official permission to carry out the tests. Though nothing serious had happened to the human test subjects, it had clearly shown that the doctor had no compassion for them, and is likened to a scientist with his lab rats. Comparing the past with the present, we can observe that within the last few decades, the prices of medical products have gone up. Medical services and screenings are no longer free like in the past. In hospitals, patients have to pay a large sum of money for the bills and operations. Most of the costs are due to the use of high-tech equipment and the efforts put in for the research. Patients who cannot afford it are thus unable to go for treatment. Where is the passion and commitment when patients are denied the chance for treatment? Money, in a sense, has become the medium for treatments. Even though countries such as Singapore have introduced schemes such as the Medishield and Medisave, some countries such as America have not embraced the idea. Medicine has become a business, in a sense that the money is used to sustain their services, which in the past are free or very cheap. Medicine is slowly becoming commercialized as it is sold in pharmacies in a bid to earn revenue. Though there are instructions labeled on them, such as what it is effective for, and how should it be taken, they are not monitored closely by doctors, which could lead to over dosage of intake by people unaware of the precautions, or unable to understand what is written on the labels. Medicine is also slowly branching out to different markets, such as hair care centers and slimming centers. Slimming pills and hair treatments are now very popular and are in demand. Advertisements celebrity spokesmen are used to attract customers. Why it is that medicine is becoming more of a product that aids in our physical appearances? More attention should be given dealing with new viruses and bacteria which are more harmful to us instead. With the aid of the mass media, scientists and doctors are able to promote their products and market them at very high prices, due to the time and efforts put into the research. In a sense, doctors and scientists are now working for themselves, instead of for the good of mankind. It is also seen as a way to gain fame, which morally should not be so. However, the study of medicine can still considered to be a profession, for there are still doctors in the society that are committed to saving lives. Organizations such as the Red Cross Society still give free treatment to third world countries and to people who require help. For example, during the Tsunami incident that happened in December 2004, many people were affected, especially in India, Aceh. The Red Cross Society gave free treatment resources and medicine to them in a bid to control the death rate in India. Thus, there is still compassion in their job. Studying medicine can still be considered as a profession, as the new creations of medicine products helps fight against new types of diseases or viruses after all. Thus, it is beneficial for mankind and is required for human progress. Lastly, a doctor is responsible for his or her actions. Thus, care and caution is required when diagnosing a patient, as a mistake could result in negative consequences. This, in turn, would ensure that doctors are committed in taking care of their patients, with or without compassion. Through the years, the aim of the study of medicine has been to protect and save lives. It is commitment, compassion, a reverie for life. Even though the study of medicine has greatly been influenced by the mass media, and today’s society and one’s personal goals has changed it to a more business oriented path, the main goals are still there, though diminished. With a respect and compassion for life, however, I believe that we can, and have the ability, to steer the study of medicine back into a profession. felt a little blue at 4:33 AM, 1 comments ![]() Emotions
Recently, I have thought about emotions, and the good and bad things about them. I have thought of the days where I couldn't seem to be able to control my anger. Kinda sucks, rite? Well...It has always been said that traits such as anger and aggression are to be avoided because they lead to the domination of the spirit and mind. Despair, desperation, jealousy, they are all considered our 'Dark' passions. In other words, these are the emotions that would usually lead to 'accidental' and 'unwanted' consequences. Therefore, we should all just spend our lives working on how to restrain these emotions, so that we could all live a happier life, no one gets hurt, and life goes on. Well, so here's the so-called 'ideal' state of mind that everyone should practise: serenity. The definition of serenity, in this instance, would be the absence of passion. However, this leads to a more confusing question. Why would nature give us these traits, such as anger, when they are not useful? Simply put, we should not be experiencing anger and such, because they are not useful. This, obviously, isn't true, because anger, agression, all these 'dark' passions, they are everywhere. Therefore, in my opinion, all our emotions, passion, they are all natural response to a particular situation. Take for example, if you see one of your loved ones being beaten up by somebody, how would you feel? Anger? Naturally, you will become angry. Naturally, you will feel like letting your fists do all the dirty job. Surely you wouldn't decide to embrace him with hugs and kisses, right? This anger that you feel, can either lead to a positive outcome, or one that is...negative. If you suppress that anger, there can be no outcome, and your loved ones is still hurt. What I am trying to say is, there's no point suppressing all emotion, nor is it desirable. A person who suppresses his emotions is nothing more than a machine. An unfeeling living thing. Of course, that still does not explain how these 'dark passion' can be useful. Lets take the above example. Say that person had used his anger to stop the fight, find out why his loved ones were hurt, and then proceed to beat the assailant a few times, then report him to the police; it is positive. That positive outcome can only be due to one thing: self-knowledge(I will talk about this later). In a negative situation, that person will probably just beat the crap out of the assailant, or in extreme cases; kill him. In that situation, the anger has totally dominated your mind; all reasoning is thrown into the winds, you feel most like yourself, and all you want to do, is to hurt somebody. In that situation, anger becomes hatred, love becomes obsession, envy becomes jealousy. Ultimately, you allow the anger to control what you do, what you think. Thus, a useful and natural response is now a 'dark' passion. So, why self-knowledge? What's so great about self-knowledge? How does it deter a negative outcome? Self-knowledge brings about an understanding of your feelings. The reason causing that sudden flare of anger. Only when you understand why you are feeling that way, only then can you control, or even let go of your anger and to channel this energies to produce a positive outcome. When a person let his anger control, or dominate his mind, it is due to a lack of understanding on his part. Why is he angry? What caused him to be angry? An unchecked passion would lead to impulsive and often ill-considered consequences. A person without understanding(an 'unchecked' passion) will lead to despair and confusion. Despair and confusion, eventually, will feed that anger. Thats when a natural emotion becomes 'dark'. That being said, my opinion is this: there's no point suppressing an emotion, nor is it desirable, because it would result in an emotionless person. But to understand the origin of the emotion, that is possible. A 'dark passion', therefore, isn't really that dark. They are emotions. Passion. They are merely traits that humans have. If your anger leads to disastrous results, it is not because of your emotions, but because of your lack of self-knowledge.Thus, in conclusion *drum rolls* , serenity stems not from the absence of passion, but from self-knowldge. felt a little blue at 6:23 AM, 0 comments ![]() Choice
Choice...Is there a good or bad thing to it? Can choice have any right or wrong? What if the answers don't appear instantly? What if the answers comes only 50 years later? They say that everything begins with a choice. First comes choice, then action, and finally, the effect. Choice has a reasoning behind it, that is pretty obvious. But how would we know if we are doing the right thing? Where's the line that draws between right and wrong? Can choice even have any right or wrong? There's a saying: "The outcome of your future is not the result of circumstances, rather, it is human nature." In my opinion, human nature is defined as the character of every individual; which eventually influences the kind of choice that each and every individual makes. Really, destiny is in fact a result of our own actions, and not some mystical, invisible element that exist in this world. How do we define the right or wrong actions? If we give it a little thought, it's actually just a matter of perceptions. What I could be doing may be what I feel is right, but it may be wrong to others. The perceptions of right and wrong are made up by the society---the very people that governs the society. Thus, our freedom is of choice is quite limited. Society expects you to make the 'right' choices. When you are doing what that is expected of you, where is freedom? No one chooses the wrong. Only when you are uncertain, you have freedom. Why am I saying this? Simply because freedom plays a role on the choices we make, and vice versa. In fact, many things are directly or indirectly affecting our choices. To name a few, such as emotions, and passion. Our self-knowledge, our surroundings. But when faced with a choice to make, it is ultimately YOU, who decide what happens. In other words, choose, and act. The thing is, will we regret the choices that we make? People have a strange sense of irony. One could make a choice, and regret it. And start to hate it. Then, over time, he learns to live with it, cherish it, and love the choice he made. Why? Simply because every choice, every action, no matter how small, has an impact on the future. Your future. And thus that choice becomes part of you. The resulting impact that befalls on you also becomes part of you. You come to love it because it has become so intertwined, that you simply cannot forget that you are what that is made up of that choice, of something that has changed you, for good or for worse. Then again, there are some who drown themselves in the sorrow of making their own 'wrong' choices. They live with it, hate it, and regret making it. They suffer silently, secretly envying others who they 'think' are better than them. So...How do we know which choice is the right choice to make? My answer is: you simply don't. Life doesn't move backwards. You don't start living with time moving backwards.There's no feasible method of finding out how your choices would turn out before making them. Life simply is. Choose, and act. Thats the only rule---perhaps the only thing that we have to do. Once a choice is made, it is done and over with. All you can do, is prepare for the consequences that is come, sooner or later. Right or wrong, that is something you can't control. Even if you make the wrong choice, it doesn't mean that you live with regrets. Regrets are for those who can't let go of the past. Why waste time with regret, thinking of how things could be better if you made the right choice? It is pointless to wish for things that are impossible. What we can do, is acknowledge our mistakes, and move on. Life is like moving water. It is everflowing, never slowing down, never stopping. If you choose to regret, it becomes stagnant, and it becomes stale. Life requires it that it is ever moving. Be like running water. Time will heal all wounds, and time, will help you understand the choices we make. Choices. Do they have right or wrong? You decide. "You are not here to make a choice. You are here to understand why you made it." -Oracle from the movie, The Matrix felt a little blue at 6:22 AM, 0 comments ![]() Life Is an unreality.
Life is unfair. When you are young, You never really understand the way of life, because you are supported by the people you know. So you live a life full of hope. Full of ambition, without a care for others. Ignorant. Blessed. But once you have matured, and you roam the world, on your own, then you realise that the world is full of chaos. Full of 'unfairness'. Of fighting. Of struggles to survive. A change from a state of dependence to independence, states a change of views. Thats why life is an unreality. Until you observe, and hear it for yourself. On a side note, it's ironic that chaos is fair... felt a little blue at 6:21 AM, 0 comments ![]() Love At First Sight
I have always heard of the phrase, "Love at first sight". I heard of it, and I believed it. I believed it, but have never experienced it... Haha... Some people have all the luck at love, and some don't... Perhaps I happened to be one of the unlucky ones. Who knows? Maybe I am just not blessed with good looks. Maybe I have a face that scares away girls. Who cares? Ultimately, you are the one who care. No one else. I don't know why I started thinking about all this in the first place. Maybe it's because I am now living in an ever-changing environment, where all my friends seems to be getting into boy-girl relationships. Perhaps, the question now is, "Why them, and not me?" Like I said, I am not handsome or anything. I am just some average guy who lives a life of solitude. This brings me back to the phrase, "Love at first sight". Does it truly exist? If I have never experienced it, how can I say that I believe in it? Probably because of one of humans' strong gifts: hope. Hope brings about life. Hope gives us all a sense of looking forward to the future, no matter how bleak it might seem. Well, enough of this hope thingy. The thing is, love cannot be forced. No matter what you do, love chooses people. Not people choose love. Perhaps that is how the phrase love at first sight comes about. Haha... all that crap, all for nothing. I once experienced love in secondary school. I spent 4 years of my life loving a girl, and I know by now that she liked me too. I don't know how to explain it, but I felt something for her. She wasn't all that pretty. In fact, it was her personality that attracted me instead. Her big eyes, cute nose, small mouth... She seem to be smiling everytime I saw her. Always laughing at everything, with that happy-go-lucky nature of hers... I don't what the heck happened, but somebody leaked out that I liked her. Ever since, we avoided one another. We pretended nothing had happened, pretended that we never existed. Now, we have graduated, we no longer are in the same school. I told myself not to give up on her. But in the end, with each passing day, my feelings for her eventually faded, though I was reluctant to... Now? I guess it is over. Well, it might be a great loss, since we used to like each other. On the other hand, perhaps it is good for us this way. There is no point forcing a love when we had never tried communicating with one another. Perhaps, it is a burden that is finally released. Is that true love? If it is, then it hurts. Then again, it may not be. I was still a young and immature teenager then. It was probably infactuation playing its part. Well, whatever it is, it is over. No point regretting over it. Live life as it is, and take what comes to you. I live the rest to fate. felt a little blue at 6:20 AM, 0 comments ![]() MINDS
I peeked out of the window. The sky was dark, and it was raining heavily. My surroundings were simple. A few tables and chairs, piles of headsets lying around, fans at every corner. Along with me, were a few other YJ students; Yew Mun, Rauzan, another named Anthony-something... Well, we were not alone anyway. Stares directed at us were not few. A few struggled to communicate with us. The rest were busy sorting out those large piles of headsets. One of them waved at me, proudly showing off his name tag. Not knowing what to do, I smiled weakly, waving back. He went on his work. I looked out again. Still raining heavily. Laughter was common in the room. Communicating with one another was mainly simple and with common sense. At one corner, I saw an attention seeker, doing silly things just to get the volunteers' attention. He was 52 years old. Another was talking intelligibly to himself. Hell, he was 27. If you still don't know where we were, let me tell you. We were at the MINDS home, a home where mentally disabled people stay and mix around with another of their own kind. It is kind of a sick reality, really. These people don't live normally. They require the assistance even for the most basic actions. In the whole world, these people probably make up a small percentage. However, to see a lot concentrated in one area, it is kind of...unsettling? I was not courageous enough to try interracting with them. Basically, I don't know how to. It isn't like a conversation between normal people, in which the way we speak are backed by logic. In here, it is like talking to 3 year old children who can't even recite alphabets from A to Z. From what I see, they rely more on instinct, instead of logic. I was just glad that we were only there at the MINDS home to tidy up the place. From 9.30am all the way to 12.30 pm, we cleaned the windows, tables and chairs. Throughout the 3 hours there, I can't help but imagine why are they like that. We are humans. They are humans. We have feelings. They have feelings. What make them so different from us? Is it because they have the mental capability of a 3 year old? Why can we live normally, and why can't them? Life is indeed unfair. In this world, the strongest survive. The weakest are eliminated. That is nature and we have to accept it. Likewise, those unlucky ones have to accept who they are. But, that doesn't mean that the world cannot help them, right? True, the world may be unfair, and every individual works ultimately to achieve their own personal goals. However, there are some who care. There are bound to be people who care for them. That is why homes such as the MINDS home are built. Ultimately, it is a person's own decision whether he wishes to help or not. I am just glad there are. Today's CIP has taught me a few lessons. Life is an unreality, until you observe it, and hear it yourself felt a little blue at 6:20 AM, 0 comments ![]() The Truth is Always Greater Than The Words We Use To Describe It
"The truth is always greater then the words we use to describe it." The universe encompasses of all opposites. Truth and lies, light and dark, good and evil, living and death. They are all each other, because each thing and everything are the same thing. They are merely words. Words that describe how little we understand of this world. That may as well be the truth, as well as a lie. How can we define the line between truth and lies? How can we define what we right and wrong? Can we even know what we hear are the truth, or a lie Opinions. That's merely what it is. The thing is, everything that everyone tells you is a lie, because the truth will always be bigger than the words we use to describe it. If there's any inkling of truth in your opinions, it would have been up to others to decide for themselves. But, your opinions must always hold true to yourself, for that is what you believe in. For opinions are what you view life as. felt a little blue at 6:19 AM, 0 comments ![]() Remembrance
Today I went exploring my cupboard, which is full of ancient dust. I chanced upon my old photo albums, most of which were taken when I was young. Going through all these, I realised time pass very fast when you aren't paying attention. My childhood, my early teenage years, the times spent with my family and friends. Within the past ten years, alot has changed. My grandfather passed away, so did my grandmother from my father's side. We moved house in 1991, from Bishan to Jurong, I parted with friends in both Pirmary and secondary schools. A lot has passed since then. Both happy and sorrowful, they are still part of my memories. Much as I want to re-live them, I can't. What has passed, has passed. You cannot make time go backwards. Thus, the question is, "How can they be better remembered?" Any way possible? Perhaps. The thing is, I have never cherished what I had in the past, thinking they would last forever. When my grandma passed away, I did not understand why my relatives were crying. I was young then. Now, thinking of it, I wished I could have done better. I could have spend more time with my grandma before she died. That very thought make me feel regretful. Then again, if that incident hasd not happened, I probably would still be that very rude and uncaring brat who likes to whine and complain. Sigh... time passed very fast indeed. I feel nostalgic for the past. It makes up part of my life. It is what that is made up of me. haha... Regrets are for those who can't let go of the past. Embrace the future we must. Arghh.... Moral of the story? Cherish your past. Though you must let go of it, remember it well, cause it is part of you. felt a little blue at 6:18 AM, 0 comments ![]() WHY.
" 'Why' is a question that is much purer than its answers."I promised myself to think about this one day. Haha... I have thought about this nearly everytime. However, I still feel that I have not grasped the essence behind this sentence. Hm. Simply put, our answers are never pure because, in one way or another, they will always be altered, thus biased to oneself. We, as humans, only trust what we observe and hear. Usually, we do not always spent some time to think about the other point of views that might possibly exist. That being said, we make our conclusions based on limited information, and ultimately, reasons that support our own opinions. Thus, our answers could be described as..."impure"? Going back to the sentence, 'why' is a question that is much purer than its answers, the questions that we ask(the word 'why'), are usually in its purest form because they are not altered, in the sense that there are no opinions involved in the questions we ask. The questions that we ask are made mostly out of our own innocence, directly from our hearts. Does this answer the question? Frankly I don't know. Somehow I feel something is lacking in it. Haha... felt a little blue at 6:18 AM, 0 comments ![]() A Day of Thoughts
A day of thoughts...... Some days, I just couldn't seem to concentrate on anything... So what did I do? Daydream. Daydreams, and most people think, are not negative habits. In fact, daydreams are ways and means that we try to express our creativity, or to gain personal "enlightenment". This being one of those days, I just sat in the corner of the my room--nearly half a day--thinking of all sorts of things. Practically, my mind was just wandering onto any subject. Soaring, some might say. At first, I was thinking of recent movies, then it went to Star Wars. Somehow, it went from Star Wars to something I might consider philosophical. Heard of that short, green creature in Star wars? Yoda. Right. What was his most popular phrase? "Do or do not. There is no try." Ever since I heard of that phrase, I can't help but ponder over it. Do or do not. There is no try. Well, some might say, oh, heck, who cares? However, I feel there is something more to it. On a very superficial level, it meant that you either do or do not. There is no such thing as trying. However, if that is the case, then how did this phrase--"you never really failed, until you fail to try."--come about? It makes no sense to me. Then again, things are never certain and fixed. So, on a deeper level of understanding, which only struck me only today, was this: "do or do not" don't really mean that. Instead, what it might be hinting at is, in only trying, you are not putting in your best in something. In order to succeed, you HAVE to BELIEVE in it, you must put your whole heart into doing it. So far, what that I have written are only opinions. They may not be certainly true. In fact, we never are near the truths of this world. Our answers are hardly the truth. They are mere opinions. Thus, it brings me to another saying: " 'Why' is a question that is much purer than it answers." Perhaps, one day I would think about this again... felt a little blue at 6:16 AM, 0 comments ![]() |
about Don't feel blue... I am sorry if you're sad... that's so sad... *patpat*Name: Melvin DOB: 11/06/1987 School: YJC Location: Singapore Address: Wouldn't you like to know! Stalker! archives August 2005 links
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